AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (issn: 00845841) is a peer reviewed journal first published online after indexing scopus in 1982. AMA is published by Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co. AMA publishes every subjects of general engineering and agricultural engineering.
AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ISSN: 00845841) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences and all sort of engineering topic. the journal's scopes are in the following fields but not limited to:
According to the available food security statistics, it is shown that food insecurity is prevalent in Nigeria and putting in view the rising world population, this food insecurity is a phenomenon that threatens the world at large. Therefore, the examination of the effect of population dynamics on food availability as a measure of food security in Nigeria is the purpose of this paper. My datasets were gotten from the World Development Index (WDI) for the year 2021, from which data relevant to my work from the year 2001 to 2020 were extracted for analysis. The independent variables were Dependent population, Birth Rate and Death Rate while the dependent variable Food Security is represented by Food Availability. A descriptive analysis was done to get the nature of my datasets after which a stationarity test was ran. An ARDL test was used to analyse the data after the optimal lag length criteria had been determined. Also, a bound test was carried out to determine the relationship between the variables in the long-run. The ARDL result showed that an indirect relationship between the dependent variable (FA) and independent variables BR and DR was observed and LNDEP had a positive relationship with the dependent variable. The R-Squared gotten was 0.99 and there exists a long-run relationship between all variables according to the Bound test. The recommendation of the study, based on this finding, is that a system that puts a check on birth rate and encourages the youths and young adults to participate in agriculture should be put in place.
Population expansion and food inadequacy have remained a major concern for developing nations in the world. Therefore, this study examined the effect of population growth rate on food availability in Nigeria. A descriptive analysis was done to determine the nature of the datasets after which a stationarity test was carried out which showed all variables stationary at level. The OLS method of regression analysis was employed. The result showed that an indirect and insignificant relationship exists between the dependent variable; food availability (FA) and independent variable; population growth (PGR). However, control variables, employment in agriculture (EIA), and agricultural raw materials imported (ARI) are significant and negatively related to food availability. It was also observed that only arable land (AL) has a positively significant relationship with food availability. The implication of this is that emphasis should be placed more on improving production of food i.e., food availability through policies and awareness and various empowerment schemes that encourage large scale farming and not emphasis or blame population growth for food unavailability.
A study was conducted to analyze the Socio economic impact of eucalyptus cultivation in Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu. Eucalyptus globus and Eucalyptus hybrid were the most commonly cultivated species in the district. Survey was conducted among 120 farmers cultivating eucalyptus in their land. The study was conducted in Nilayapatti, Pulvayal and Nachandhupatti villages of Pudukkottai district. The sample size includes 20 commercial cultivators and 100 conventional cultivators. Structured questionnaire was administered collect information to analyze the cost of cultivation and economic analysis of eucalyptus cultivation, people’s knowledge about environmental impacts of eucalyptus etc. Analytical tools like Cost of Cultivation, Net Present Worth (NPW) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Logit Regression analysis were employed. The study concluded that eucalyptus cultivation was much suitable for marginal and barren lands. Most of the people were aware that eucalyptus cause environmental impact as it was a natural bio drainage crop and cause allelopathy effect on neighboring field plants with the release of secondary compounds but, it does not affect the mindset of the farmers to adopt eucalyptus cultivation in larger extent. Around 70 per cent of the respondents were into eucalyptus cultivation despite knowing the impacts only because of higher income, less maintenance and fast growth of the plant. From the study we obtained profitable cultivation with BCR ranging 4 to 6.
The growing and turning of green manure crops i.e Dhaincha enriches soil organic matter vis-à-vis additional nutrients to the soil besides reclamation of sodic soils. When incorporated into the soil, these plants break down, eventually releasing important nutrients which are necessary for adequate plant growth and development. In addition to the supply of nutrients, green manuring crops can help to scavenge the leftover nutrients from the preceding crop. It also increases soil drainage and water retention capacities that help to prevent leaching losses, soil erosion, and weed problems too as these are also incorporated. The different biofertilizers (FP: Pre season fallow+ Rice cv.Atchaya, TO1: Pre rice GM + Application of CSR bio through seed treatment and soil application + Rice cv.TRY 3, TO2: Pre rice GM + Application of Arka microbial consortium through seed treatment and soil application+ Rice cv. TRY 3) were used to manage the sodic soil. Technology option 1 (Pre rice GM + Application of CSR bio through seed treatment and soil application + Rice cv. TRY 3), resulted in higher yield (30%) followed by technology option 2 (Pre rice GM + Application of Arka microbial consortium through seed treatment and soil application + Rice cv. TRY 3) and the least was recorded by farmers practice (Pre season fallow+ Rice cv.Atchaya). Apart from this TRY 3 is highly salt tolerant variety which was known to the farmers. Hence Pre rice GM + Application of CSR bio through seed treatment and soil application + Rice cv. TRY 3 will be a suitable alternative practices for getting higher yield in sodic condition. The technology will promotes growth and yield of rice in sodic soil of pH 9.3 and also protects against soil borne disease. The farmers were willing to take up the seed treatment, soil application of biofertilizer. TRY 3 is medium duration and salinity tolerant variety. This variety is resistant to leaf folder, stem borer, brown plant hopper, blast, brown spot, sheath rot and sheath blight.
Complementary food plays a very important role in the total growth and development of human population. Cereals and pulses were raised adopting organic and inorganic farming practices and analysed for nutritional value. The effect of this foods were studied in animal models (albino wistar rat) fed by a formulations containing cereals and pulses in laboratory for a period of 90 days. This study aimed at assessing the effect of food formulations raised by different cultivation practices in albino wistar rats under laboratory conditions and grouped as Group I- organic and Group II – inorganic. Albino wistar rats of 21 days age were grouped in two groups containing 8 rats in a group and were fed with a feeding formulations containing rice and green gram in the ratio of 7:3 for a period of 90 days. Group I is fed with rice and green gram raised by organic farming practices whereas Group II with rice and green gram raised by inorganic farming practices. At the end of the study period blood samples were collected and biochemical parameters were analysed. The result of the study showed that due to the pesticide toxicity, hemoglobin and packed cell volume was inferior in the inorganically diet fed group.