WOS Indexed (2024)
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AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (issn: 00845841) is a peer reviewed journal first published online after indexing scopus in 1982. AMA is published by Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co. AMA publishes every subjects of general engineering and agricultural engineering. Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption Fa yi xue za zhi

Submission Deadline
18 Apr 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue- 04 )
Upcoming Publication
30 Apr 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue 04 )

Aim and Scope :

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ISSN: 00845841) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences and all sort of engineering topic. the journal's scopes are in the following fields but not limited to:

Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Civil and architectural engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Commercial Design
Information Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Food Engineering


Paper ID- AMA-16-02-2023-12022

Designing a low-cost, simple-to-install study instrument that can be utilized in group-housed animals is critical for quantifying elements needed to assess animal health and well-being. This research aimed to develop a non-invasive, easily deployable continuous tympanic heart rate and core temperature detecting prototype system capable of recording and transmitting data from a group of hair sheep cattle. The data were gathered in 60 ewes over three hours, with readings every 15 minutes. At the same time, a commercial sensor was used to monitor vaginal temperature, as well as an electrocardiograph, was employed to assess heart rate. The results revealed a positive correlation between the heart rate and the electrocardiograph, but the correlation between the layer tamponade and the vagina was negative.

Agriculture and Revolution in Green Development: A Model for Saudi Arabia and the World

Paper ID- AMA-16-02-2023-12020

The world now places a high value on achieving sustainable development. This is especially true in the realm of agriculture. A national plan for sustainable development in Saudi Arabia, implementing green development, was presented during the Nineteenth National People's Congress, held in response to the recent establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations. The goal of Agriculture Green Development (AGD) is to create a green agriculture and rural area that is more productive, uses resources more efficiently, and has less of an impact on the environment by coordinating "green" with "development." There needs to be cooperation between the government, farmers, businesses, schools, and universities to accomplish this. With a focus on stringent environmental standards, food quality, and improved human well-being, AGD's novel approach will involve a complete overhaul of the crop-animal production and food production-consumption system. This article explores the potential changes that could lead to a more sustainable agriculture in the future, as well as the relevance, problems, framework, paths, and solutions for attaining AGD in China. The proposals include new ideas from other fields, better strategies for the entire food chain, and localized approaches. There will be significant repercussions for countries undergoing developmental transition as a result of Saudi Arabia adoption of AGD, which will ultimately benefit global sustainable development.

Evaluation of fortified organic nutrient rich solid Nutrioball placement method for root zone fertilization in maize

Paper ID- AMA-16-02-2023-12019

Maize is an extremely nutrient exhaustive crop requiring both micro and macronutrients. As nutrients provided through inorganic sources enhance yield initially but lead to unsustainable soil productivity over the years. Instead, combined application of organic manure with the reduced amount of inorganic fertilizer is found to be appropriate for sustainable crop production. Further, localized fertilizer placements concurrently perform well than traditional broadcast fertilization. In the present study, composites having many nutrient sources were physically mixed and made into two forms viz., super granular solid pellet form (Nutrioball) and segregated mixture in powder form (Nutriomix). Placement of Nutriomix and Nutrioball is a new attempt made in the fertilization of crop to implement continuous and controlled nutrient support in the root zone. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutrient support rendered to hybrid maize crop fertilized with 40 g of Nutriomix/ Nutrioball in 2 split doses (at sowing and 40th day after sowing) and compare its performance with standard 100% NPK dose derived by soil test - based recommendation and unfertilized control. Nutrioball was placed in soil at 5 cm depth near root zone, and Nutriomix was applied on surface and mixed with top 5 cm soil. Seven grades were formulated with varying NPK ratios. Deep placement with Nutrioball D grade (7:7:1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) recorded the highest stover yield and grain yield of maize, which was 14.6 per cent higher than soil test based NPK, and 269.5 per cent higher than control. Out of total applied nutrients, the apparent recovery recorded were 70.4 per cent for N, 45.7 per cent for P and 429.6 per cent for K. Nutrioball C (7:5:4) and Nutrioball F (8:2:1) also exhibited profound response. Surface incorporated Nutriomix composites were moderately effective.

Incidence and Intensity of Sugarcane Internode Borer Chilo sacchariphagus indicus (Kapur) in Cauvery Delta region of Tamil Nadu and its Management

Paper ID- AMA-15-02-2023-12018

Experiments were carried out in cane crop planted during April month under wider row planting with single bud setts in Cauvery delta region in Thanjavur district of TamilNadu for three years from 2019 to 2022 to assess the incidence and intensity of internodeborer in sugarcane crop in Cauvery Delta region and to evaluate the sex pheromone traps for mass trapping of male moths of Internodeborer and its effect on sugarcane yield. The incidence and intensity of internode borer was recorded on fornightly basis and consolidated into monthly basis. The weather factors viz maximum, minimum temperature, number of rainy days, rainfall and relative humidity were recorded daily and consolidated on monthly basis. The incidence of internodeborer was correlated with weather factors. Relative humidity (r = 0.013), No of rainy days (r = 0.379) and Rain fall (r = 0.4 89) are positively correlated with incidence of internode borer and negatively correlated with Average temp (r = -0.634). The male moth trapped in sex phermone traps were recorded daily and consolidated in standard week basis and the percent internodeborer damage was recorded in each treatment on 5 th ,7th ,9th and at harvest along with yield. The cumulative internodeborer incidence at harvest revealed that the lowest cumulative incidence of internodeborer incidence of 19.36 percent with 53.88 percent reduction was recorded in 20 traps /ac installed treatments followed by 15 traps /ac in which the internode borer incidence of 25.16 percent with reduction of 33.16 percent was recorded as compared to 37.64 percent in control. The highest cane yield of 97.96 tonnes/ha was recorded in 20 traps /ac installed treatments followed by 15 traps/ac in which cane yield of 92.82 tonned/ha was recorded as against 87.83 tonnes/ha in control. The best CB ratio of 2.34 was recorded in 20 traps /ac installed treatments.

In sprayers Possibilities of using air motors Possibilities of using pneumomotors in sprinklers

Paper ID- AMA-14-02-2023-12017

Pneumatic motors have existed in many forms over the past two centuries, ranging in size from hand-held motors to engines of up to several hundred horsepower. Some types rely on pistons and cylinders; others on slotted rotors with vanes (vane motors) and others use turbines. Many compressed air engines improve their performance by heating the incoming air or the engine itself. Pneumatic motors have found widespread success in the hand-held tool industry, but are also used stationary in a wide range of industrial applications. Continual attempts are being made to expand their use to the transportation industry. However, pneumatic motors must overcome inefficiencies before being seen as a viable option in the transportation industry. In the scientific project we discussed the perspective of use of the rotor type pneumo engines in portable splashers (sprinklers). Mathematic modelling of the pneumatic engines is chosen and worked out, gauge sizes, amount of increasing the air, the amount of rotating moment during the rotation of the rotor and the amount of the engine.