AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (issn: 00845841) is a peer reviewed journal first published online after indexing scopus in 1982. AMA is published by Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co. AMA publishes every subjects of general engineering and agricultural engineering.

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Submission Deadline
05 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue- 09 )
Upcoming Publication
30 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue 09 )

Aim and Scope :

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ISSN: 00845841) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences and all sort of engineering topic. the journal's scopes are in the following fields but not limited to:

Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Civil and architectural engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Commercial Design
Information Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Food Engineering

Influence of housing system on the production performance of commercial broilers fed with different levels of energy and protein

Paper ID- AMA-07-12-2022-11866

A biological experiment was conducted to optimize the energy and protein requirement for commercial broilers in environmentally controlled housing system. The experiment was conducted by feeding diets with different levels of energy (2850, 2950 and 3050 kcal/kg in pre-starter diet, 2950, 3050 and 3150 kcal/kg in starter diet and 3050, 3150 and 3250 kcal/kg in finisher diet) and protein (21.5, 22.5 and 23.5% in pre-starter diet, 20.5, 21.5 and 22.5% in starter diet and 19, 20 and 21% in finisher diet) to commercial broilers for a period of five weeks to assess the production performance. The biological experiment was carried out with five hundred and seventy six (each 288 in environmentally controlled deep litter house and open sided deep litter house), sex separated, day-old, commercial (Vencobb 400) broiler chicks belonging to single hatch. The chicks were wing banded, weighed and randomly allotted into nine treatment groups with four replicates of eight chicks each and housed in both environmentally controlled and open sided housing systems. All chicks were reared up to 5 weeks under standard managemental conditions. During this experimental period, data on body weight and feed consumption were recorded at weekly interval and mortality was recorded at occurrence. The results of the experiment revealed that the energy and protein content of the diet had significantly influenced the body weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio in broilers irrespective of the system of housing. The broilers reared in environmentally controlled housing system had comparatively higher body weight (2022.19g Vs 1819.25g) and better feed conversion ratio (1.37 Vs 1.47) than the open sided housing system. The housing systems and feeding plans in this study also had significantly influenced the body weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio, which are all favourable in environmentally controlled housing system.

Performance of five varieties of wheat under different tillage systems (conservation and conventional agriculture).

Paper ID- AMA-07-12-2022-11865

The main objective of this study is to compare and determine the performance of new wheat varieties under conservation and conventional agriculture, for improving and identifying it’s effect on wheat yield and wheat varieties under conservation agriculture. In Afghanistan, the greatest challenges in agriculture system are major soil erosion, high soil moisture loss, and farming of the same crop every year leads to drop in fertility level of the soil. Conservation Agriculture defined by three principles namely minimum soil disturbance, crop rotation and permanent soil cover. A field experiment was conducted during winter and summer season of 2018 at research farm of Dehdadi, Balkh, Afghanistan. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design, comprising ten treatment combinations. The main factor was conservation agriculture and conventional agriculture with sub factor by five varieties of wheat (Moqawium, Baghlan, Chunt, Darlaman and local). The result indicated that different soil conservation practice could cause significant changes in term of wheat growth and yield attributes like bundle weight and yield of wheat and among wheat varieties Chunte variety significantly difference on number of tillers, bundle weight, straw yield, yield and thousand wheat kernel as compare to local wheat variety. In short time there was not any difference in soil chemical and physical of soil in term of pH, OC, N, P and K, but in long term there will be minor changes occur, so we do recommend conserving to improve the soil fertility and cultivate the chunte variety for more yield.

Foliar application effect of various micronutrients on growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var.capitata L.) under Eastern Uttar Pradesh Conditions

Paper ID- AMA-06-12-2022-11864

A field experimented was conducted at Vegetable Research Farm (South Block), Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh during winter season of 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 to study the effect of foliar application of various micronutrients on growth and yield of cabbage. The results reveals that the maximum plant height, plant spread, number of wrapped leaves, days taken to first head initiation, days to 50 per cent maturity, stalk length, polar and equatorial diameter, head volume, average head weight and head yield ha-1were obtained with application of (T13) B-20 @ 0.075% + Mo @ 0.45% followed by application of (T16) B-20 @ 0.100% + Mo @ 0.45% during both the years as well as pooled analysis. However, least values of above parameters were observed with (T1) control.

Feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of commercial broiler chicken fed with tannin in environmentally controlled house

Paper ID- AMA-06-12-2022-11863

A biological experiment was conducted by using 300 day-old, sex separated commercial broiler chicks belonging to single hatch. These chicks were randomly grouped into 6 treatments with 5 replicates of 10 chicks in each replicate with each replicate having equal number of male and female chicks. All the birds were reared under standard management practices in an environmentally controlled house up to five weeks of age. Experimental diets were prepared by adding tannin at 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20 per cent level, oxytetracycline at 0.02 per cent level in the basal broiler feed and basal diet alone fed to the broilers up to the end of the experimental period. Production parameters such as feed consumption and mortality were recorded at weekly interval and based on the collected data, feed conversion ratio and livability were worked out. At the end of the study period, two birds (one male and female) from each replicate were randomly selected and slaughtered to study the carcass characteristics. Dietary supplementation of tannin had no significant effect on the cumulative feed consumption and feed conversion ratio of broilers. At the end of fifth week, the antibiotic fed group recorded numerically higher body weight (T2 - 2063.06g) compared to other treatment groups. The tannin fed groups recorded numerically better feed conversion ratio (T3 - 1.49, T4 - 1.48 and T5 - 1.47) compared to antibiotic (T2 - 1.50) and control group (T1 - 1.53) except tannin at 0.2 per cent level (T6 - 1.52) which might be due to lower body weight gain due to reduction in feed intake. Supplementation of tannin in the diet of broilers had no significant influence on the livability, carcass characteristics viz. per cent eviscerated yield, ready-to-cook yield, heart yield, liver yield, gizzard yield, giblets yield and abdominal fat yield in broilers.

Improvement in profitability of mustard through conjunctive use of organic manures, inorganic fertilizer and beneficial microbes in semi arid region of the India

Paper ID- AMA-06-12-2022-11862

A study was carried out on mustard crop during Rabi season 2020-21. The experiments were conducted on heavy clay soil at Agriculture Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda. The experimental design was randomized block design with eight integrated nutrient management options. All treatments were replicated thrice. The experimental results revealed that application of 125% and 100 % RDF along with FYM and biofertilizer consortia increased significantly, number of pods per plant, height per plant, and chemical properties, thereby increased grain yield of mustard significantly in comparison to farmers fertilizer practice (T1), sole application of 100 % RDF (T2) and 50 % reduction of RDF along with FYM and biofertilizer consortia (T8). A slight improvement in organic carbon and available phosphorus was observed from the initial value. Therefore, study recommends, the integration of FYM and beneficial microbes with exiting recommended dose of fertilizer in poor fertile soils during first year.