AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (issn: 00845841) is a peer reviewed journal first published online after indexing scopus in 1982. AMA is published by Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co. AMA publishes every subjects of general engineering and agricultural engineering.

WOS Indexed (2024)
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Submission Deadline
05 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue- 09 )
Upcoming Publication
30 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue 09 )

Aim and Scope :

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ISSN: 00845841) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences and all sort of engineering topic. the journal's scopes are in the following fields but not limited to:

Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Civil and architectural engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Commercial Design
Information Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Food Engineering

Instrumental Textural Profile Analysis of Tomato with different stage of maturity

Paper ID- AMA-09-02-2023-12004

Texture is perilous to the appropriateness of fruits and vegetables, both fresh and cooked. Textural properties data of tomato are important in adoption and design of various handling, packaging and transportation systems. Textural properties namely, bio yield point, flesh firmness, fracture energy and total energy were determined with respect to maturity stage under immature, mature and over mature situations as well as storage temperatures under ambient condition (25o C) and low temperature condition (6o C). The bio yield point (kg), flesh firmness (kg), fracture energy (kg.s) and total energy (kg.s) decreased with different stage of maturity, storage period and temperature of tomato was significant at 5 per cent level.

Productivity, profitability and soil health assessment of rice-green gram-maize cropping sequence under different sowing dates and nitrogen management in rainfed upland condition of Assam

Paper ID- AMA-09-02-2023-12003

A field experiment was conducted during 2016–17 and 2017–18 to assess the productivity, profitability and soil health of a rice-based crop sequence under different sowing dates and nitrogen management. The experiment was laid out in a factorial randomized block design with three replication. The treatment consisted of four dates of sowing for rice, green gram, maize, and four N management practices. Early sowing of rice, green gram and maize, combined with applications of 50% nitrogen as inorganic plus vermicompost @ 1.0 t/ha, resulted in a significantly higher grain yield. Performance on the crop sequence as a whole showed that early sowing of the crops produced the highest rice equivalent yield (REY), production efficiency (PE), land utilization efficiency (LUE), nutrient use efficiency (NUE), net return and B C ratio compared to later dates of sowing of the crop in the sequence. Application of 50% N as inorganic along with vermicompost @ 1.0 t/ha recorded significantly higher productivity, profitability and efficiency indices as compared to other treatments. There was maximum improvement in soil health indices with respect to organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon and soil microbial populations when inorganic nitrogen sources were combined with organic sources.

Influence of pruning and micronutrients on fruit set and retention of Thailand ber (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk.)

Paper ID- AMA-09-02-2023-12002

An experiment was initiated at a farmers field at Manikpur area, Bongaigaon, Assam, India during 2020-21 and 2021-22 to resolve the problem of drop of fruitlets leading to low fruit retention in Thailand ber. The statistical design of the experiment was factorial randomized block design, where two types of variety, two pruning height and eight micronutrient combinations alongwith control were tested. In the investigation, spraying with micronutrient combinations of borax 0.5% together with ZnSo4 0.5% was proved to be the best in controlling fruit drop and increasing fruit retention in Thailand ber.

Fertility Alteration and Gene Action Analysis for Yield Characteristics in Two-Line System Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L)

Paper ID- AMA-08-02-2023-12001

Combining ability and gene action of the main agronomic and yield traits in Egyptian PTGMS (females) and Egyptian Japonica (EJGSR) and Indica Japonica Green Super Rice (EIJGSR) lines (male testers) were studied. The combining ability, gene action, and genetic parameters of ten main traits were analyzed by Line x Tester using five PTGMS lines and six male testers. The altered fertility of the tested lines was investigated at different periods. All traits are mainly controlled by the general combining ability of the parents. For all traits except spikelets panicle-1, the mean square value difference of the L x T (SCA) of the tested combinations was extremely significant. The estimated values of variance due to GCA were higher than that due to SCA for all agronomic and yield traits and its components. The expected value of GCA for male testers K2g (M) was higher than female PTGMS lines K2g (F) for all traits. The ratio of K2gca/K2sca was more than unity for all traits indicated the additive gene action is playing big role in the inheritance of these traits. EPTGMS 85 was the best combiner of female lines for grain yield. The testers, EIJGSR (F) 73, EIJGSR (F) 62 and Sakha Super 301, were the best general combiners among testers for grain yield and most of studied traits. Seven super hybrid rice combinations were the best, giving significantly positive (desirable) estimates of the SCA effect on grain yield (t ha-1). The highest estimates were obtained for EPTGMS85/Sakha super 300), EPTGMS20/EJGSR179 and EPTGMS34/Sakha super 300.

Laboratory incubation experiment for assessing the suitability of cement kiln dust for soil application

Paper ID- AMA-07-02-2023-12000

In order to develop an integrated solid waste management strategy for cement factory waste (Cement kiln dust (CKD)), a lab experiment was conducted to study the influence of CKD on soil properties for a duration of 60 days in red (Irugur soil series) and back soils. The results of the study revealed that the application of CKD alone at higher rates (10 t ha-1) had negatively influenced the soil bulk density (increased from 1.45 to 1.48 and 1.40 to 1.47 g/cc in red sandy soil (Irugur soil series) and black cotton soil (Periyanaickenpalayam series), respectively) while the application of CKD at 5 tonnes per hectare along with coir-pith 10 t ha 1 improved the soil bulk density in both the soils (decreased from 1.45 to 1.36 and 1.40 to 1.36 g/cc in red sandy soil (Irugur soil series) and black cotton soil (Periyanaickenpalayam series), respectively). Soil pH was found to increase in red soil (Irugur soil series) (from 7.18 to 8.72) whereas it decreased in black cotton soil (Periyanaickenpalayam series) (from 9.51 to 8.63) due to the application of CKD. Soil salinity was increased in both soils (from 0.19 to 0.99 and 0.35 to 1.15 dS m-1 in red sandy (Irugur soil series) and black cotton soil (Periyanaickenpalayam series), respectively) due to the application of CKD at 10 tonnes per ha of press-mud at the rate of 5 t ha-1. Available N of the soil decreased from 157 t ha-1 to 151 ha 1 ¬in red sandy soil (Irugur soil series) while in black cotton soil (Periyanaickenpalayam series), it does not show any significant difference. The soil available P content in both soils recorded no significant difference. Soil NH4OAc K contents were increased (from 224 to 426 and 352 to 560 t ha) due to the application of CKD at the rate of 10 t ha-1. Application of along with press-mud 5 tonnes ha-1. Soil organic carbon was decreased due to the application of CKD at 10 t ha-1 was on par with the application of CKD at the rate of 5 tonnes per ha. Application of CKD at the rate of 5 t ha-1 along with the application of a recommended dose of FYM increased the soil organic carbon in both soils. The microbial properties of the soil viz., total bacteria, fungi, and, actinomycetes population were found to decrease due to the application of CKD at 10 t ha 1 in both soils. Similarly, the application of CKD at 5 t ha 1 along with green manure at 6.25 t ha-1 increased the bacteria, fungal, and, actinomycetes population. The result indicated that CKD can be recycled in agriculture at a quantity below 5 tonnes per ha with organic amendments without any adverse effect on soil properties.