AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (issn: 00845841) is a peer reviewed journal first published online after indexing scopus in 1982. AMA is published by Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co. AMA publishes every subjects of general engineering and agricultural engineering.

WOS Indexed (2024)
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Submission Deadline
05 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue- 09 )
Upcoming Publication
30 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue 09 )

Aim and Scope :

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ISSN: 00845841) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences and all sort of engineering topic. the journal's scopes are in the following fields but not limited to:

Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Civil and architectural engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Commercial Design
Information Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Food Engineering

Optimizing Rice Growth in NEH Region of India: Impact of Transplanting Time and Levels of Phosphorus

Paper ID- AMA-19-12-2023-12790

This study investigates the synergistic influence of transplanting time and varying levels of phosphorus on growth of rice crop. Planting dates of rice were carefully selected to represent key periods in cropping season in Ri-bhoi district of Meghalaya while the levels of phosphorus were carefully manipulated to assess the response of rice growth to these experimental treatments. Preliminary results indicated that rice crop transplanted on 3rd July produced significantly higher tiller number (14.18 hill-1), leaf area (1594.85 cm2) and accumulated dry matter (57 g hill-1) followed by 13th July transplanted crop. Rice crop transplanted on 2nd August produced least number of tillers (11.05 hill-1) resulting in reduced leaf area (1225.23 cm2) and lowest amount of accumulated dry matter (46.78 g hill-1). CGR was significantly affected by both transplanting dates and phosphorus levels. The highest CGR (6.21 g m-2 day-1) was observed in the crop transplanted on 3rd July. Net assimilation rate did not vary with change in transplanting dates of rice. However, phosphorus application significantly affected net assimilation rate. Maximum NAR was recorded from the crop receiving 90 kg P2O5 ha-1.

Potential Application of Modern Agricultural Technologies in Cocoa Plantation – A Review

Paper ID- AMA-17-12-2023-12786

Cocoa is one of the important plantation crops that has a significant economic contribution in Malaysia. However, this industry is facing difficulties in increasing the production due to several factors, especially the limited area of crops. This is due to the most cocoa plantation being traditionally owned and cultivated by smallholders. Efforts are now being made to attract investors to commercially grow cocoa in a large plantation area. The use of mechanization and robotic technologies has been anticipated to be capable of increasing farm efficiency, reducing production costs and dependence on labor thus increase cocoa production in the country. Therefore, this paper reviews the latest development and application of the modern agricultural technologies all around the world. Then, this paper will discuss the potential use of those technologies, especially mechanization and robotic technologies in the cocoa plantation industry in Malaysia. The potential challenges of adopting the technologies in the cocoa industry were also discussed. In the end, the recommendations to overcome the challenges are also proposed.

A Study on Adoption of Recommended Beekeeping Practices in Kumaon Hills of Uttarakhand

Paper ID- AMA-14-12-2023-12784

Beekeeping forms an integral part of the small holder farming system and plays a significant role as a source of additional cash income in subsistence farming. Beekeeping has a special significance for farmers in the Kumaon hills. It offers a way for those with few resources – especially poor and landless farmers and women – to gain income, as it requires only a small start-up investment, can be carried out in a small space close to the house, and generally yields profits within the first year of operation. The present study was conducted in four villages viz; Jeoli, Gaga, Baluti and Chopra. The respondents were selected through census method from Bhimtal block in Nainital district which lies in Kumaon hills of Uttarakhand. A pre tested interview schedule was used to determine the profile characteristics of the Beekeepers. The findings of the study revealed that almost all the respondents interviewed were Male and majority (68.42 %) of them were in between the age of 31 to 52 years. Most of the respondents belonged to general category (96.05%) and had attended middle school and high school (35.53%) for education. Slightly less than the half of the respondents (43.43%) belonged to nuclear family system and had medium family size (81.57%). The data reveals that majority of the respondents have medium total annual income (61.84%), medium number of boxes owned (63.16%), medium level of experience in beekeeping (78.95%). Majority of the farmers reflected medium extent of adoption of recommended bee keeping practices. The results of the study will be helpful to extension personnel and scientists to orient their work on major thrust area which are profitable and applicable.

Paddy Leaf Disease Classification using ResNet-50 integrated with Canny Edge Detection Mechanism

Paper ID- AMA-14-12-2023-12782

Agriculture is the primary source of income in India. Paddy is grown almost everywhere in the world but is most common in Asian nations where it serves as the main source of food to world's population. Various diseases attack at different stages of plant growth. The biotic & abiotic stresses that affected plant growth are temperature, viruses, bacteria, fungi & various environmental issues. Brown spot, Sheath rot, bacterial blight and Leaf blast are all important paddy leaf diseases that destroy rice and drastically reduce yield. By using various image processing techniques farmers can identify leaf diseases. In this research paper by integrating CNN with edge detection mechanism paddy leaf disease cab be identified. Various images can be captured from farm using camera. These images include disease like brown spot, bacterial blight, blast diseases and sheath rot. During preprocessing RGB images can be converted into HSV images. Then various color and texture features have been extracted using GLCM. After this edge-based CNN have been applied to improve the accuracy of the model. To train the model 70% images have been categorized as training set, 20% images as testing set and remaining 10% have been considered for validation set. The accuracy of the proposed model is 98%.


Paper ID- AMA-14-12-2023-12781

Two hundred germplasm lines including three checks (SI-250 Resistance check and TC-25 Susceptible check and VRI 1-Local check) of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) representing varied geographic and genetic diversity were tested under natural condition against shoot webber and capsule borer (Antigastra catalaunalis Duponchel) during kharif 2018 and 2019 at Regional research Station, Vriddhachalam, Tamil Nadu. Among the entries, Six entries viz., EC-303440-B, SI-2008, SI-7192, SI-3218, Kanpur Local and KMR 77 were identified as resistant sources for shoot webber damage in vegetative and flowering stage. Seven entries viz., SI-1687, EC-3340998, SI-2116, IC-14093, GRT-83148, EC-303445 and B-7-11 were found to be resistant in vegetative, flowering and pod formation stages whereas KIS-375, Agra-balik, EC-334950-1, EC-334979, ES-75-2-84, IC-199443, EC-334995, EC-303419 and IS-649 were found to be resistant in flowering and pod formation stages. Eight entries viz., IS-728, EC-334985-1, NIC-16268, MIC-8526, SI-2940, NIC-9839-1, DSK-1 and NIC-8165 were resistant to shoot webber only in its pod stage alone. Further, the response of promising entries under artificial pest load condition showed that three entries viz., B-7-11, SI 2116 and GRT-83148 recorded less than 10 per cent plant damage and categorized as resistant.