AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) (issn: 00845841) is a peer reviewed journal first published online after indexing scopus in 1982. AMA is published by Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp and Shin-Norinsha Co. AMA publishes every subjects of general engineering and agricultural engineering.

WOS Indexed (2024)
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Submission Deadline
05 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue- 09 )
Upcoming Publication
30 Sep 2024 (Vol - 55 , Issue 09 )

Aim and Scope :

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America

AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (ISSN: 00845841) is a peer-reviewed journal. The journal covers Agricultural and Biological Sciences and all sort of engineering topic. the journal's scopes are in the following fields but not limited to:

Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Civil and architectural engineering
Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Commercial Design
Information Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Food Engineering

Design, development and evaluation of manually-operated check row planter for dry sowing of rice

Paper ID- AMA-05-08-2021-10506

A manually operated regular row seeder for dry sowing of rice capable of planting two rows of rice at intervals of 25 cm x 25 cm was designed, manufactured and tested. The effective field capacity of the seeder was found to be 0.023 ha / h at a field efficiency of 47.38%, and the seeding rate was 10.1 kg / ha. Miss index, multiple index, and seed damage were 6.6%, 13.3%, and 2.1%, respectively. A comparative study was conducted to evaluate the performance of transplanting, spot seeding, and regular row seeding machines in the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). To sow on 1 hectare of land, the sowing machine required Rs.853 / ha (1US $ = 72Rs), which was less than manual transplanting and spot sowing in SRI. The developed seeder saved 66.7% and 72.4% cost compared to manual transplantation and spot seeding.

Development a table top centrifugal dehuller for small millets

Paper ID- AMA-05-08-2021-10505

Millets with great health benefits, small nutritious grains are growing worldwide for food and feed. Due to the typical structure, hardness and small size of the shell grains, millet threshing remains a constraint. This study deals with the performance evaluation of the developed low-cost tabletop centrifugal threshing machine. Threshing experiments were performed on five millets at three moisture contents (11.1, 13.6 and 16.2% db) and three peeling rates (6000, 5,500, and 6000 rpm), namely foxtail millet, little millet, millet, kodomillet and barnyardgrass. The water content of the grains had a significant effect on threshing performance compared to the threshing rate, which had a lesser or negligible effect on time. The highest average threshing efficiencies obtained for millet, little millet, and millet were 92.7, 91, and 93.5%, respectively, at a grain water content of 13.6% (db) and a threshing rate of 5,500 rpm. The highest average threshing efficiencies for barnyardgrass and barnyardgrass were 80.9% and 74.4% at 11.1% (db) water content and threshing rate of 6000 rpm, respectively. For the same experimental combination, the rate of destruction was less than 5% for millet, little millet, and millet, but 5.7 and 9.2% for codomillet and barnyardgrass, respectively. The average threshing shell grain ratios to foxtail millet, little millet, millet, codomillet and barnyardgrass were 2.4,5.7,2.3,14.2 and 18.1%. The approximate cost of converting 1 kg of millet to rice is INR 0.97 ($ 0.01).

Development and testing of a coconut dehusking machine

Paper ID- AMA-05-08-2021-10504

Nigeria is known for its annual production of over 265,000 tonnes / year of palm. Palm dehulling has been done manually using machete. Due to the difficulties involved in manual palm dehulling, it is necessary to mechanize the work by developing an indigenous palm shell peeling machine. This machine consists of spikes, chain drive, gears, electric motors, bearings, shafts, reduction gears and sprockets. The machines performed best with local varieties of palm with an average water content of 5.08% (db), giving average mechanical capacity and percentage throughput of 175 coconuts / h and 84%, respectively.

Manufacturing and testing the performance of prototype for grading of dates

Paper ID- AMA-05-08-2021-10503

The specifications of locally produced orchard crop sorters are determined without the use of appropriate methods that take into account the graded materials, and design factors also affect the grading efficiency. A study was conducted on the possibility of using a prototype of a rotating drum screen sorter for grading data to determine optimal values ​​that affect design factors for grading efficiency. A rotating screen sorter with a 244x84 cm skeleton was constructed and tested during 2016 at a regional factory located in the city of Kafr Eleheikh. Maximizing the classification efficiency of the sorter represents a predictive response as a dependent variable. Box-Behnken is a three-factor, three-level method using the response surface methodology to determine the rotation speed, inclination angle, and supply speed on the rating efficiency. It is necessary to establish an interaction quadratic polynomial model generated by statistical design. Three different varieties representing date palms known in Egypt called Bartamuda, Grandilla and Shamiyya were selected and graded after studying their physical properties. The model created predicts rotational speed, tilt angle and feed rate levels, with 26.004 rpm, 4.720 degrees and 1 kg / min optimal for the maximum response of grading efficiency (61.669%) for Bartamuda species, respectively. For the maximum response of grading efficiency (77.327%) for Gandika varieties, 26.468 rpm, 1 degree and 1 kg / min were optimal, respectively, and grading efficiency (40.988%) for Shamiyya varieties.) Was optimal at 26.003 rpm, 1.085 degrees and 5 kg / min, respectively. These apparent differences in efficiency for each variety were entrusted with studying the correlation between the physical properties of these varieties and the maximal grading, and principal component analysis was performed. The results show that physical properties such as fruit thickness and spheroidity have the greatest negative effect on optimized grading efficiency. Properties such as bulk density have been shown to have a positive effect. This study dealt with all the factors that affect the efficiency of the rotating screen sorter for a certain number of days.

Design and development of thresher for onion umbels (Allium Cepa Variety Aggregatum L.)

Paper ID- AMA-05-08-2021-10502

Freshly harvested sun-dried onions were peeled on a farm-level peeler to increase seed damage and overcome the heavy labor of traditional peeling methods, which affect germination and vitality factors. High quality seeds can be produced through effective peeling and separation processes. The peeling machine basically consists of a pre-peeling machine, a peeling machine and a blower. The PEG toothed pre-peeler separates the florets from the hard onion head and then sends them to the peeler for the separation of seeds from the florets. The raps bar type peeler separated seeds from floret and good seeds from dust and skin material. The performance of the peeler was evaluated for florette peeling efficiency at different feed rates, ambient and wash air rates, good seed rate collected, seed loss rate, and seed loss. It was concluded from the evaluation that a 6 mm concave gap gives good results at a supply rate of 100 ± 5 kg / h, an ambient speed of 7 m / s, and a washing air rate of 4.5 m / s. The peeler recorded maximum peeling efficiency, good seed rate collected, seed damage and cleaning efficiency of 99.85, 97.70, 1.75 and 96.46%, respectively.