Tolpyralate, an HPPD (4-hydroxyphenyl-pyruvate dioxygenase) inhibitor, is a relatively new pyrazolone herbicide for weed management in maize. Field studies were conducted in two seasons of spring 2016 and kharif 2017 to evaluate the effective dose of tolpyralate 40% SC applied alone or mixed with non-ionic surfactant for weed management in maize as well as its phytotoxic and residual effect on growth and yield of maize and succeeding cowpea fodder and pea crop, at N.E.B.C.R.C. of G.B.P.U.A&T, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand, India. Eight treatments were executed in randomized block design with three replications. The major dominant weed species during both the seasons were Digitaria sanguinalis, Phalaris minor, Echinochloa colona, Panicum maximum among grassy, Chenopodium album, Parthenium hysterophorus, Eclipta alba, Phyllanthus niruri among broad-leaved weeds (BLWs) and Cyperus iria, C. rotundus (3.7%) as sedge. Tolpyralate 40% SC as PoE with surfactant resulted in 50-100% weed control, depending on the weed species and its doses over tolpyralate 40% SC without surfactant. Tolpyralate 40% SC PoE at 60 g/ha achieved the highest grain yield of maize and was statistically at par with its lower dose 50 g/ha and tembotrione 34.4% SC 120 g/ha (standard check), during both the seasons. The tolpyralate 50 g/ha with non-ionic surfactant attained a higher net return (Rs. 92601 and 58203/ha) and B: C ratio (2.6 and 1.6) than without surfactant during spring 2016 and kharif 2017, respectively. Also, no phytotoxic symptoms and residual effect on succeeding crop were observed at any doses of tolpyralate 40% SC.