Journal ID : AMA-19-11-2021-10853
[This article belongs to Volume - 52, Issue - 03]
Total View : 345

Title : Visual perception, comprehension and gain in knowledge of Video Programme on Management of Organic Farming for Rural Women

Abstract :

The study was conducted in randomly selected two villages of (Palana and Barsinghsar) of Bikaner Panchayat samiti with a sample of 60 rural women (30 from each village). Pre and Post- test experimental research design was used for the present study. To find out the visual perception and comprehension unstructured open ended questions were framed. Pre-test was done by the help of developed knowledge test with the rural women, to know the existing knowledge on organic farming and after this developed video programme was exposed to the rural women. Post-test was carried out to find out the gain in knowledge. Regarding visual perception and comprehension findings indicate that majority of respondents have perceived and comprehended the messages of video programme very well. Significant improvement in the knowledge of respondents was found as a result of exposure of video programme with the increased in mean percent score is from 22 to 62.90 per cent with the gain in knowledge of about 40.90 per cent. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the developed video programme on "Management of organic farming" was good and is useful for field functionaries, extension workers, and all those agencies / organization working in rural areas for transfer of scientific information to rural women.

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