Journal ID : AMA-05-02-2022-11091
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 02]
Total View : 425

Title : Root parameters, quality parameter, yield, and nutrient content of Rabi fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) as influenced by different drip irrigation levels, crop geometry and mulching

Abstract :

The experiment was carried out on root parameters, quality parameter, yield and nutrient content in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) as influenced by different drip irrigation levels, crop geometry and mulching. The experiment was laid out in a split-split plot design with comprised of four irrigation levels in the main plot, three crop geometry in the sub-plot and two mulch treatments in the sub-sub plot and replicated thrice. The results revealed that the highest fresh weight of root (8.16 g plant-1), dry weight of root (2.98 g plant-1), root volume (8.44 cubic cm plant-1), and root: shoot ratio (0.123) of fennel at 100 DAS were recorded with drip irrigation level of 0.8 ETc. Further, analysis of data indicated that higher values of quality parameters, nutrient content and their uptake by fennel were recorded under irrigation level of 1.0 ETc. However, 0.8 and 1.0 ETc gave at par values of all these parameters. Further data indicated that paired row sowing at 40 x 60 cm spacing gave the highest fresh weight of root, root dry weight, root volume, yield. In mulch, plastic mulch treatment recorded maximum fresh weight of root, root dry weight, yield, quality parameters and nutrient content and uptake in fennel seed. However, the maximum yield of 1816 kg ha-1 was obtained when fennel crop was sown in paired row sowing of 40 x 60 cm with plastic mulch along with water supply of 80% of crop water requirement (ETc) through drip system.

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