Journal ID : AMA-22-02-2022-11157
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 03]
Total View : 364

Title : Quality Protein Maize Hybrids (Zea mays L.) response on Growth parameters under Different Plant Populations and Nutrient Management Practices

Abstract :

A field experiment was conducted at Udaipur during Kharif season of 2016 to study the Response of Quality Protein Maize Hybrids (Zea mays L.) on Growth parameters under Different Plant Population and Nutrient Management Practices. Results revealed that hybrid HQPM-5 recorded higher plant population, plant height, dry matter accumulation at 25, 50 75 DAS and at harvest (19.70, 60.94, 197.51 and 214.47 g plant-1), CGR between 25-50 DAS (15.00 g m-2 day-1) and 50-75 DAS (50.07 g m-2 day-1), RGR, LAI over PQMH-1. Maize hybrid HQPM-5 attend significantly early tasseling and silking than PQMH-1. 1,00,000 plants ha-1 recorded higher DMA, CGR, RGR, LAI over 83,333 plants ha-1. Among various nutrient management practices STCR recorded highest plant height, DMA, CGR, RGR, LAI over SSNM and RDF, respectively.

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