To study the effect of nutrient management through biomanuring on growth, yield and economics of turmeric under organic farming. A field experiment was undertaken on certified organic field during 2020-21 at Centre for Organic Agriculture Research and Training, Department of Agronomy, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with nine treatments and three replications. The turmeric variety for experiment was PDKV waigaon. The application of 50% Vermicompost + 50% Neemcake + Biofertilizers shows significantly higher growth attributes such as plant height (87.10cm), number of leaves (13.23), leaf area(46.28dm2) and number of tillers (4.10) at 120DAP. Similarly, significantly higher yield and yield attributes were recorded by application of 50% Vermicompost + 50% Neemcake + Biofertilizers such as number of mother rhizomes(1.87), number of primary rhizomes(6.27) and fresh yield of rhizomes(14.77 tha-1). The higher economics among treatments recorded by application of 50% Vermicompost + 50% Neemcake + Biofertilizers with B:C ratio 3.1. The application of 50% Vermicompost + 50% Neemcake + Biofertilizers resulted in significantly higher productivity of turmeric under organic farming in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra.