Journal ID : AMA-20-09-2023-12606
[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 09]
Total View : 472

Title : Mulching improves strawberry fruit yield and quality by regulating soil temperature and anti-oxidant enzyme activities in humid tropical India

Abstract :

Little information exists on the effect of mulching and its mechanisms regulating environmental factors, as well as biochemical constituents to improve yield and quality of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa, Duch.)in humid tropical India. The effects of different coloured plastic mulches (black, transparent, and red) and organic mulches (paddy straw, banana leaves and weeds) were tested on the yield and quality of strawberries. The mean fruit yield with black plastic mulching was 68% greater than the control. Total sugar, reducing sugar, and total soluble solids were 19, 16, and 17% higher in black polythene mulching, whereas, ascorbic acids and organic acids were significantly lower under plastic mulching than in control. Activities of catalase, phenoloxidase and perosxidase were lower under plastic mulching than in control. Black polythene adjusted environmental factors and physiological processes to boost productivity and quality of strawberry fruits.

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