Journal ID : AMA-27-07-2022-11564
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 08]
Total View : 447

Title : Influence of new generation PGRs on qualitative characters of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Dashehari

Abstract :

The present investigation was conducted at Horticulture experiment Station, Baramunda, OUAT, Bhubaneswar during the year 2017-19 with an objective to improve the qualitative characters and improve the sugar content of mango Cv. Dashehari by using Brassinostroids and Triacontanol. The experiment was laid in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replication and 12 treatments comprising spraying of Brassinostroids @ 0.5 and 1.0 ppm, Triacontanol @ each 300, 500 and 700ppm, its combination and control. The observations on different characters of fruit Viz. Fruit weight (g), Firmness (Kg/cm2), Physiological loss in weight (%), Carotenoid content (mg per 100 g), Ascorbic Acid (mg/100g pulp), Dry matter content (mg per 100 g), TSS (°Brix), Acidity content (%), TSS: Acid ratio, Total Sugar (%), Reducing sugar (%), Non-reducing sugar (%) were recorded. Among the treatments, T10(1 ppm BRs + 300 ppm triacontanol) recorded maximum Fruit weight (182.99 g), Carotenoid content (11.46mg per 100 g), Dry matter content (21.91mg per 100 g), Ascorbic Acid (35.3mg/100g pulp), TSS (17.71ºbrix), TSS: Acid ratio (75.88), Total sugars (16.91%), Reducing sugar (5.07%) and Lowest titrable acidity (0.234%) but minimum non-reducing sugar (11.12%) found in the treatment 0.5 ppm brassinosteroid. High firmness (3.67Kg/cm2) observed in T8 (0.5 ppm brassinosteroid + 500ppm triacontanol) and lowest physiological loss in weight (21.41%) in T9 (0.5 ppm brassinosteroid + 700ppm triacontanol).

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