Journal ID : AMA-01-09-2021-10670
[This article belongs to Volume - 52, Issue - 01]
Total View : 483

Title : Influence of Cutting Intervals and Nitrogen Levels on Growth and Yield of Dual Purpose Wheat under Mid Hill Conditions of J&K, India

Abstract :

In hilly agro-ecologies of north-western Himalayan region, there is always a scarcity of quality green fodder during extreme winter months. Due to this reason farmers are unable to feed their livestock properly and often the livestock remained under nourished, becomes weak and prone to various diseases. Wheat being a major winter season cereal crop can be grown for dual purpose providing grain as well as high quality forage for livestock from same patch of land. It is a valuable source of high quality forage, rich in protein, energy, nutrients and low in fiber. An experiment was conducted during the rabi season of 2017-18 and 2018-2019 at Rajouri, Jammu and Kashmir, to study the effect of cutting intervals and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of dual purpose wheat. Among the cutting intervals, the uncut wheat gave significantly higher growth parameters, yield attributes, grain yield and straw yield than other cutting treatments. Whereas, the cutting of wheat for green forage at 85 DAS gave significantly higher green forage yield over other cutting intervals but the highest grain equivalent yield was recorded when cutting of wheat for green forage was done at 65 DAS (5.54 t/ha.) which was closely followed by the cutting interval of 75 DAS (5.41 t/ha) which recorded maximum, net returns (70.1 x103 ₹ / ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.20). Among nitrogen levels, application of nitrogen @ 120 kg/ha recorded significantly higher growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat. Partial factor productivity, agronomic efficiency, net returns and benefit: cost ratio of wheat except partial factor productivity which was recorded maximum with application of nitrogen @ 60 kg/ha.

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