Journal ID : AMA-06-04-2022-11277
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 04]
Total View : 440

Title : Half diallel analysis for quantitative traits in brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) used as wild species Solanum gilo as male parent

Abstract :

The present investigation was undertaken to obtain information on theextent of heterosis and to identify potential parental lines and cross combinations for genetic improvement in brinjal usingdiallel excluding reciprocal. The crosses PB-6 x PB-101 and BARI x PusaUpkar showed highest economic heterosis for yield attributing traits, can be utilized for commercial exploitation of heterosis for obtaining maximum yield. It can also be concluded that for total yield per plant (Kg) SMB-115, Pant Rituraj (PR) and PB-101 were established as good general combiners and yield per hectare (q). Hence, the parents can be utilized for further investigation and genotypes improvement in respective traits of brinjal. The crosses PB-6 x PB-101, BARI x Pant Samrat and BARI x PusaUpkar highest sca effect for most the characters. However, these cross combinations can be utilized as commercially exploited to higher yield. Wild relatives of eggplant are commonly exploited for eggplant improvement, but the genetic improvement relies on the information of the genetic basis of inheritance of traits.

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