Journal ID : AMA-17-02-2023-12025
[This article belongs to Volume - 54, Issue - 02]
Total View : 466

Title : Genotype ×environment interaction on yield of maize single cross hybrids developed from tropical inbred lines of CIMMTY using AMMI

Abstract :

In this research, we evaluated at how the interactions between genotype and environment (GEI) affected the grain yield of 41 different maize hybrids in 2020 on three test locations (E1, E2, and E3). When we pooled all of the sources of variance analysis, we found substantial differences. The studies revealed that G14, G7, G22, G3, G35, G9, G32, G38, G24, G23, and G26 were the best stable genotypes. G14 emerges as the most acceptable and favorable genotype of them. Locations that were labile were E2 > E3 > E1. The least G×E interaction was seen in G30, G19, G4, G18, G34, G15, G13, G21, G6, G37, and G36, which also had the most unstable hybrids and the lowest grain yield overall. The recommended hybrids for each region include G7, G10, G11, G14, G20, G22, G23, G27, G32, G38, G41, and G40 had particular stability in E1. The hybrids G2, G4, G8, G21, G28, G29, and G33 displayed particular stability in the E2 location. In the E3 experimental area, the hybrids G3, G5, G8, G12, G17, G16, G18, G26, G30, G35, and G36 had a specific level of stability. G24 >G38 >G9 >G32 > G12 >G41 >G7 >G28 >G14 and G3 were superior genotypes for grain yield and GEI impact, and can be suggested for further research based on the AMMI stability value (ASV) and genotype selection index (GSI).

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