Journal ID : AMA-20-01-2022-11033
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 02]
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Title : Effect of different transplanting dates and transplanting shock preventing methods on establishment and grain yield of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides L.) cultivars

Abstract :

A field experiment was conducted at the Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute, Durgapura, Jaipur during two consecutive kharif seasons of 2019 and 2020. The experiment comprises two pearl millet varieties (RHB-173 and RHB-177), transplanting shock preventing methods (No treatment, Triacontanol @ 0.25 ml/litre, Triacontanol @ 0.50 ml/litre and Leaf clipping) and three dates of transplanting (15th June–30th June, 1st July–15th July and 16th–31st July) were replicated thrice in factorial randomized block design. Pearl millet cultivar RHB-173 recorded significantly higher grain yield over RHB-177 during each year of investigation. Among the transplanting shock preventing methods, triacontanol @ 0.50 ml/litre recorded significantly higher plant population at 20 DAT and at harvest with greater seedling vigour index I & II at 20 DAT and grain yield over no treatment and leaf clipping, however, it was found at par with triacontanol @ 0.25 ml/litre. The crop transplanted during 1st July–15th July recorded significantly higher plant population at 20 DAT and at Harvest and seedling vigour index I & II at 20 DAT with higher grain yield as compared crop transplanted during 15th June–30th June, but it was found at par with later transplanted crop (16th July–31st July).

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