Horticulture is a vibrant sector of agriculture, distinguished by scale of production, commercialization and emerged as an important source of earning livelihood for small and marginal scale farmers. The knowledge about the impact of climate change on horticultural crops is limited and increasing temperatures and changing weather conditions have harmed apple production, causing serious concern in the state, further forcing apple farmers to switch towards other crops. Therefore, the present study was conducted in high hills of Himachal Pradesh to assess the economic impact of changing climatic scenario on apple cultivation. The study found that the net revenue from apple cultivation was Rs 1.73 lakh, with 11.53 per cent variation in the study area. The results of the ricardian approach reported that the positive quadratic coefficient for minimum temperature and annual rainfall implied that either more or less both climatic variables will increase the net revenue from apple. On the other hand, the negative quadratic coefficient of maximum temperature indicated that there is an optimal maximum temperature level after which net revenue decreases in both directions. Minimum temperature and annual rainfall increased net revenue by Rs 728.56 and Rs 520.08 per 10Celsius increase in minimum temperature and 1 cm increase in annual rainfall, respectively, whereas maximum temperature decreased net revenue by Rs 925.86 per 10Celsius increase in maximum temperature for apple in high hills of Himachal Pradesh.