Journal ID : AMA-18-11-2022-11821
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 11]
Total View : 460

Title : Disease Resistance could be augmented by Bacterial Metabolites

Abstract :

Pseudomonas fluorescens (Pf1) showed maximum Indole Acetic Acid (54.70 µg ml-1) (IAA), Salicylic Acid (SA) (28.10 µg ml-1) and siderophore production was 9.30 micromoles benzoic acid ml-1. Similarly Pf1 recorded higher amount of HCN with 0.08 (1 unit= 0.001) absorbance. From the above study it reveals that bacterial metabolites may also contribute to the disease resistance. Besides the capacity to colonize roots intensively for an extended period of time. the production of these siderophores has been linked with disease suppressing ability of certain species of fluorescent pseudomonas.

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