Journal ID : AMA-29-10-2022-11767
[This article belongs to Volume - 53, Issue - 11]
Total View : 400

Title : Direct Seeded Rice cultivation technology- Acceptance Status in Haryana state of India

Abstract :

Production of conventional puddled transplanted rice is facing severe constraints because of water and labor scarcity and climatic changes. Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) is a feasible alternative with good potential to save water, reduce labor requirement, mitigation of green house gases (GHGs) emission and adaptability to climate risks. Considering its importance, an exploratory study was carried out in Haryana state during 2020-21 with an objective to examine the acceptance of DSR cultivation technology and constraints faced by farmers during its acceptance. Present study was conducted in Haryana during 2020 & 2021, Selecting 2 districts randomly, two blocks were selected randomly, from each selected district, further two villages from each selected block and then twenty farmers from each selected village were selected at random. Thus, a total of 160 farmers were selected for the study. The primary data were obtained through personal interview method using a structured interview schedule. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the farmers belonged to middle age group having medium size of farm, educated up to secondary school, medium category of mass media exposure, economic motivation, most of them, i.e. 88.20 per cent belonged to Low to Medium category of The overall adoption of DSR cultivation. However, very serious constraints in acceptance of DSR technology were viz., infestation of weeds, inadequate knowledge of DSR, occurrence of rain before germination, unwillingness to change and non-availability of DSR machine at the time of sowing, etc. The correlation and regression of different variables, i.e. education, land holding, availability of farm equipments, mass media exposure, extension contact, economic motivation, risk orientation and innovativeness exhibited positive and significant correlation with adoption level of DSR technology at 0.05 level of probability.

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