The pericarp content of Cassaba varieties required for evaluation of peeling efficiency and meat loss of mechanized Cassaba peelers was investigated based on their water content. Five improved Cassaba varieties, UMUCAS 36, UMUCAS 37, UMUCAS 38, TME419 and TMS 30572, were compared with actual pericarp mass using the developed mechanical and regression mass models. The results obtained were that TME419 at 63.33% water content had an average mass of 585.6 g, 19.13% flesh percentage mass, and 2.33 mm average pericarp thickness, and TMS30572 at 63.5% had an average skin thickness of 499.24 g, 23%, and 2.3 mm: UMUCA S36 has an average mass of 357.48 g, 21.90% pericarp mass, and an average pericarp thickness of 1.6 mm with a water content of 72.69%; while UMUCA37 has an average water content of 84%. With 16.97% pericarp mass, 2.4 mm average pericarp thickness and 430.24 g average mass; and UMUCA38 contains 73.83% average mass of 497.96 g, 2.44 mm average pericarp thickness and 19.77% pericarp mass. It was shown to have by the amount of water. The ANVOA results show that the mass of the pericarp model can approximate the actual response (fruit cortex mass) of the Cassaba varieties beyond the prediction accuracy of 97% or more. These eliminate the fractured work and rigors associated with determining the actual pericarp mass, and remove ambiguity in assessing pulp loss and peeling efficiency in the Cassaba processing system.