During the last two decades, multimedia created the challenge to maintain the sensitive data on cloud especially a digital image. Traditional techniques of encryption, such as AES, RSA and DES are closely fitted to text while compared to the image. While outsourcing the digital image to cloud, cloud vendors have an access control to keep our data secure. It may be possible to share the data to unauthorized user for their own profit. To overcome these issues and to protect images on cloud, we propose a single technique (iPrivacy-SEET by VIFF- iPrivacy-Single and Efficient Encryption Technique by Various Image File Format) which is applied to different image format to ensure the image security/privacy. It keeps the metadata in the client system itself. The procedure of SEET is achieved by three phases such as Split by chunks, Distribute by pattern and Scramble by PRP (pseudo random permutation by chaos). It has around 50% reduction of encryption time while compared to standard AES. The proposed work is implemented in Python language. The various experiments are conducted with different format of images like JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and GIFF to prove the system performance and image privacy.