Journal ID : AMA-22-01-2024-12857
[This article belongs to Volume - 55, Issue - 01]
Total View : 408

Title : Agro-economic evaluation of sweet corn under varied dates of sowing and integrated nutrient regimes in mid altitude of Meghalaya

Abstract :

Sweet corn is one category of the maize preferred for its sweetness and beneficial nutrient content throughout the globe mostly in urban and peri-urban regions. To ascertain its optimum sowing window under realm of climate change in North Eastern Region of India an experiment was taken up at the experimental farm of College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Meghalaya for two consecutive years (2021-22 and 2022-23). The field trial was conducted under a split plot experimental design. Main plot constituted of three different sowing dates, under sub-plot four different levels of nutrients application was kept and the experiment was replicated thrice. The pooled data of two years revealed that, the crop sown during third week of June month performed better over other dates of sowing in terms of growth and yield parameters. No significant difference among the sub-plot treatments was observed for growth parameters. The average value of cob yield sown during third week of June was 4.8 t ha-1. Similarly, 4.3 t ha-1 cob yield was recorded under sub-plot treatments. The cob yield recorded from farm yard manure, poultry and inorganic sources did not significantly differ from one another, however, significant difference in yield was observed over control plots treatment. Percentage increase in 1.77% and 0.6% of cob yield was recorsded from the third week of June and inorganic sub-plot treatments. The estimated benefit cost ratio was 2.38 and 1.95 for sweet corn grown during third week of June month, and inorganic fertilizer input, respectively. Third week of June showed highest BCR percentage increased about 1.38% and among the sub-plots about 0.48%. Farmers of North Eastern India may grow sweet corn- a remunerative crop for their livelihood improvement during third week of June.

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