Journal ID : AMA-23-11-2021-10872
[ This article belongs to Special Issue 2021 ]
Total View : 382

Title : Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Pineapple Leaves from Different Varieties

Abstract :

This study aimed to determine some physical and mechanical properties of the common varieties of pineapple leaves in Malaysia such as MD2 (V1), Josapine (V2) and Nanas Madu Kaca A11 (V3). These properties are important to help designers to further apply in chopping/cutting or threshing machine. The physical properties for each variety were measured for 10 different leaves which were collected from different plants. The results indicated that the average length and width of MD2, Josapine and Nanas Madu Kaca were within similar range of 818- 686 mm and 56-58 mm, respectively. The average moisture content was measured for the varieties prior measuring the mechanical properties. The tensile strength for V1, V2 and V3 at different moisture content of 86%, 76% and 83% was observed to be 12.23, 9.16 and 6.45 MPa, respectively. Tensile strength for pineapple leaves is generally decreased with increasing moisture content. For penetration test, the point of hardness (in mm) was measured at the top, middle and bottom leaves. For V1, V2 and V3 the hardness penetration was 2161,2803,2004 mm; 2814, 2364, 3057 mm; 3924, 6630, 3061 mm for each top, middle and bottom, respectively. Whereas for the compression test, the hardness penetration for each V1, V2 and V3 were 1450,1142,14753 mm; 6589,896 and 1734 mm; 16009, 880, 13570 mm for top, middle, bottom, respectively. With respect to the findings of the present research study, it is concluded that different varieties of pineapple leaves exhibit different mechanical properties. Further investigation is required prior application for the cutting ability of the blade in the cutting and chopping machine.

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